Wednesday 30 March 2016

Pseudo Code -File Operations - Reading from one file and writing into another file .

Reading from one file and writing into another file Pseudo Code.

Local array of string &FNAMES;
Local string &FILEPATH,&Lin;
Local File &File1,&File2;

&FILENAME2 = "c:\abc.txt";
&FILENAME1 = "d:\xyz.txt";/***Give the right path with file name***/

/***Opening File2 in Append mode and writing data into File2***/

&File2 = GetFile(&FILENAME2, "A", %FilePath_Absolute);
If &File2.IsOpen Then
   &TextPRINT = "Program  ABCEF";

/***Opening File2 in Read mode ***/
&File2 = GetFile(&FILENAME2, "R", %FilePath_Absolute);
/***Check whether File1 Exists***/
If FileExists(&FILENAME1, %FilePath_Absolute) Then        
   &File1 = GetFile(&FILENAME1, "A", %FilePath_Absolute);
   /***read the data from File2 and  writing into File1***/
   If &File1.IsOpen Then
      While &File2.ReadLine(&Lin) 

Expected output

File1 d:\xyz will have the Data of File2 (c:\abc.txt)

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